
On my way home from InfoComm, I had a chance to visit what I would highly recommend as a pilgrimage to any geek,  Skycraft Surplus.

I didn’t snap too many photos, since I thought it seemed rude, but here’s a few:

Would you believe a Tektronix 519 was staring me down as I walked in the door?
Sadly, not for sale (on second thought, maybe that’s for the best).  Serial # 000729.

Who wouldn’t want one of these?!?

Isles and isles of hardware, fasteners, fittings, switches, passive & active components.  Drawers full of any little bolt, nut, washer, or standoff you can imagine, in a variety of materials.

I need one of these for my Meth Lab.

Don’t forget to look up
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Somehow, I walked out of here spending less than $50, probably because none of these would fit in my carry-on.

Need wire?

This is about a third of their stock.  I ended up picking up a few 50′ coils of some nice silicone jacketed hook-up wire, great for patch-cords.

And finally, I snapped a few close-ups of the 519’s bezel, since mine doesn’t have one, and I’m attempting to recreate it
IMG_4019 IMG_4021

More on that effort in another post.

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